About SBE

Created in November 2013 the Bioenergy Society’s main objective is to promote the development of sustainable bioenergy in Brazil and other countries.

This objective is based on the principle that sustainable bioenergy makes it possible to achieve not only socio-economic development but also contribute to improve local and global environment.

To this end, members of academia and the private sector decided to establish the Bioenergy Society which is headquartered in the city of Campinas, SP, and elected their representatives in three different levels listed here: a Board of Directors composed of the President, vice President, 1st and 2nd Secretaries and 1st and 2nd Treasurers 1 and 2; an Fiscal Council composed of three members; and an Administration Council, composed of seven members.

The overall goal of SBE is to contribute to scientific and technological development, innovation and diffusion of the use of bioenergy in Brazil and abroad, as a source of sustainable, renewable energy, low emission of greenhouse gases, and a tool for social and economic development.

SBE’s specific objectives are:

  • to promote conferences, workshops, courses and other events and activities, nationally and internationally, in all aspects of bioenergy;
  • to conduct, promote and disseminate research and studies on best practices in production and processing of raw materials, generation, conversion and sustainable use of bioenergy as a source of fuel and electricity and their integration in the energy matrix;
  • to collaborate with universities, research centers, business enterprises, similar associations and development agencies in Brazil and abroad, for the generation and dissemination of knowledge and applications of bioenergy;
  • to promote and collaborate with public and private efforts in Brazil and abroad, for the dissemination of best practices in production and processing of raw materials, generation, conversion and sustainable use of bioenergy; and
  • to perform and disseminate studies relevant to the generation and dissemination of knowledge and bioenergy applications.

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“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
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